Monday, March 17, 2014


One evening the whole family piled into the car and went to Southcenter Mall. I believe it was close to Christmas so there were probably things that someone had to buy. As I've probably already mentioned, I loved to go off and be by myself--to explore without being hindered by someone else that might slow me down, or tattle on something I did or didn't do. This particular time I was apparently a little older--I'm guessing maybe 11 or 12--and was granted permission to go off on my own. I probably cited the excuse of wanting to shop for someone. I was told to "be back here at..." and was given the required time.

Well, I was late. I don't know how late, but I was late and I knew it.

When I got to the prearranged meeting place I knew I was going to hear about it. I knew I was in trouble. Instead, I got there and there was nobody there. I hadn't even considered that as a possibility.  I stopped and looked around, wondering if they were nearby and I had the meeting place a little off. Nope. I was worried and scared, and I remember my mind going a thousand miles an hour. I thought, "maybe they're all out in the car waiting for me." I knew if that were the case I was really going to hear about it, because dad wouldn't have to keep his voice down like he would have if we were still inside the mall in public view. I hurriedly walked out to where we parked, expecting the worst. What I didn't expect was what I found:

The car was gone.

I knew I had the right row, but I looked around just in case. Nothing. Like a whipped puppy, I walked back up to the sidewalk that ringed the mall and stood, looking out at the rows of cars in the parking lot. I had no idea what to do. Instead of waiting for me and chewing me out, my dad thought it would be funny or teach me a lesson and he took everyone out to the car and left me there alone. I had been abandoned. I went back inside and looked around, wondering what to do. I came back outside and stood again. I don't think I had ever felt so helpless in my life as I did right then. I wasn't crying outside, but I was surely crying inside. Out of the blue they pulled up to the curb in front of me. Surprised and relieved, I opened the door and got into the car. My hurt turned to anger and resentment as dad proceeded to unleash on me. Apparently, what they had done is move the car to a spot far enough away that I wouldn't see them and they all sat and had a good laugh at my expense. If they could have seen my face knew what was going on inside my head they wouldn't have been laughing.

That event was and still is one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to me, and I never forgot it.

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